Construction Examples: Civil Engineering
(Note: "thk" stands for thickness)

Headrace tunnel invert repair
(thk: 50mm/Tochigi)

Headrace tunnel arch repair
(thk: 30mm/Shizuoka)

Headrace tunnel invert section repair
(thk: 30mm/Toyama)

Headworks front apron repair
(thk: 50mm/Shizuoka)

Viaduct pier repair
(thk: 30mm/Niigata)

Headworks apron repair
(thk: 50mm/Niigata)

Gate pier repair
(thk: 30mm/Tokushima)

Viaduct pier preservation

Fishway block and bulkhead
(thk: 50mm, 25mm/Tochigi)

Headworks apron repair
(thk: 50mm/Niigata)

Pavement wear countermeasure
(thk: 30mm/Kochi)

Wear countermeasure plates
(thk: 30mm /Kanagawa)

Wear countermeasure plates

Waterway wear countermeasure
(thk: 25mm/Aichi)

Salt damage repair panels
(thk: 19mm/Wakayama)

Salt damage countermeasure for elevated railway
(thk: 25mm/Niigata)

Salt damage countermeasure for dolphin
(thk: 30mm/Kanagawa)

Bridge plate deck repair

Bridge plate deck repair

Bridge plate deck repair

Overpass plate deck repair

Underground formwork (shortens construction time)
(thk: 40mm/Aomori)

Underground formwork (shortens construction time)
( thk:10mm/Chiba)

Bridge repair panels
(thk: 30mm/Nagasaki)

Barrier curb

Railway bridge railing


Salt damage countermeasure for underside of pier
(thk: 25mm/Toyama)

Viaduct bridge preservation
(thk: 30 mm/Tokushima)

Bridge repair
(thk: 25mm/Hiroshima)

Pier repair for intake weir
(thk: 50mm/Niigata)

Intake weir flushing canal
(thk: 50mm/Kumamoto)

Bulkhead repair
(thk: 50mm/Niigata)

Headworks bridge repair
(thk: 50mm/Niigata)

Headworks apron repair
(thk: 50mm/Iwate)

Bridge abutment repair
(thk: 20mm/Oita)

Bridge deck plate repair