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Information Disclosure

We are exerting our strongest efforts to provide information through various media to foster stakeholder understanding of and trust in our activities while incorporating feedback and other information we receive into our daily IR activities and management.

Information Disclosure Policy
  • Attitude toward Information Disclosure
    We believe that gaining the understanding and trust of our stakeholders through information disclosure is essential for achieving the Taiheiyo Cement Group Mission. We also recognize that the active disclosure of information is part of our corporate social responsibility.
  • Basic Policy
    We disclose corporate information appropriately and in a timely manner, on a fair and equitable basis.
  • Scope of Disclosure
    We disclose information in compliance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, other relevant laws, securities exchange rules, and other regulations. We also actively disclose information we deem useful to stakeholders.
  • Method of Disclosure
    We use the most appropriate disclosure methods, including news releases, our company website, various publications, and briefing sessions. We use the Timely Disclosure network (TDnet) of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, where the company is listed, to disclose information that falls under the stock exchange's security listing regulations. After disclosure via TDnet, we promptly post the information on our website.
  • Systems Development
    We make efforts to develop and enhance internal systems for disclosing information in accordance with this policy. We also attempt to keep officers and employees informed of this policy.
  • Quiet Period
    In order to prevent leakage of financial information and to ensure fairness, we have adopted a quiet period from approximately one week before the closing date of each fiscal period to the date of the announcement of financial results. We will refrain from answering questions or commenting on financial results during this period. For inquiries regarding information that has already been released, we will respond to questions and receive interviews as an exception, even during the quiet period.

IR Activities

We are committed to disclosing information about our group in an appropriate and timely manner in order to enable our shareholders and investors to accurately determine our group's corporate value. We hold financial results briefings for securities analysts and institutional investors twice each year to directly provide information on business performance and management policies, and also respond to individual follow-up meetings as needed. We also actively communicate with institutional investors by participating in IR conferences by securities companies. Facility tours at production sites (factory, quarries, etc.) are also held at the request of securities analysts and institutional investors.

FY 2024 Status (April 1, 2023, to March 31, 2024)
1. Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
Category Results Content
Financial Results Briefings for Institutional Investors and Securities Analysts 2 times Financial results briefings attended by the President, Accounting Officers, and General Managers of Business Divisions (webcast) were held twice in the year end and the second quarter.
Individual Meetings with Institutional Investors and Securities Analysts 213 times The IR Department held dialogues individually.
   Specialized in ESG themes: 20 times
   Executive participation: 20 times
   (Domestic Institutional Investors) (93 times)
   (Foreign Institutional Investors) (95 times)
   (Securities Companies) (25 times)
Securities Company Sponsored Conference 2 times IR Officer and IR Department participated in conference for overseas institutional investors.
Facility Tour 2 times Company plant tour for institutional investors and securities analysts.

2. Main Themes of Dialogue
Category Content
  • Progress of domestic cement sales price increase and its impact on business performance
  • Impact of coal prices on business performance
  • U.S business performance
Medium- to Long-Term Management Strategy
  • Direction of the next Mid-term Management Plan
  • Future pricing policy for Domestic Cement
  • Trends in domestic demand and prospects for domestic industry restructuring
  • Prospects for U.S. and Asian Businesses
  • Content and progress of "Carbon Neutral Strategy 2050"
  • Shareholder return policy
  • Concept of capital cost

3. Feedback to Management
Category Result Content
Individual Dialogue with Institutional Investors and Securities Analysts 4 times Reported opinions and questions on topics of interest to institutional investors, etc. through dialogue.
Dialogue with Institutional Investors on the Exercise of Voting Rights 1 times Reported dialogue with the person in charge of exercising voting rights.
Other Each time Reported outline of analyst report, expected stock price, and changes in major shareholders.

4. Results of Dialogue
Requests Correspondence
Improvement and Enhancement of Financial Results Briefing Materials Revision of financial results briefing materials and enhancement of disclosure information in the fiscal year ended March 2024.
Enhancement of English Disclosure and Elimination of Time Lag Established the same day disclosure rule for both Japanese and English in the second half of fiscal 2024.

Information Disclosure Tools


We post press releases as well as information on our products and services, recruitment and R&D division on our website.

Technical Journal “CEM’S”

We publish “CEM’S” (a technical journal for users of our products) quarterly. The journal provides commentaries on technological trends in the field of cement and concrete, construction materials and the environment. It also introduces timely R&D activities, the latest construction examples and other information.

R&D Report

We publish a summary of our R&D outcomes twice each year. Extracts from back issues are also available on our website.

In-house Newsletter “Taiheiyo”

We publish six issues of our newsletter each year to communicate our management policy, group events, employee comments and other information. For the September 2015 issue, we introduced the section “SHINE UP Communication” to present our initiatives as well as cases for creating workplaces where each employee can work more comfortably.

The newsletter is distributed to our local communities and the mass media as well as in-house.

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