- Human Resources Strategy
- Human resource development
- Promotion of diversity and inclusion
- Promotion of work-life management
- Respect for human rights
- Human Rights Due Diligence
- Initiatives to Improve Engagement
- Discussion with the Independent Directors
- Promoting Health and Productivity Management (H&PM)
- Formulating general business owner action plans
We are engaged in human resource development while respecting the human rights and diversity of all of our employees toward realizing equal opportunity within the company.
Human Resources Strategy
We motivate our employees and enhance their abilities, which in turn drives the improvement of our corporate value.
Tetsuya Ohashi
Director and Senior Executive Officer
We view human resources as "capital" and believe that increasing the value of individuals by investing in people will lead to medium- and long-term improvements in corporate value.
Based on this approach, we are deploying initiatives that are conscious of the link between management strategy and human resource strategy, including securing and training human resources that can create added value.
We will realize human capital management by creating an environment in which our employees are rewarded for their work, maintain their physical and mental health, and work efficiently.
The Taiheiyo Cement Group has been continuously involved in cement production for 140 years. During that time, we have worked to achieve quality and cost competitiveness of our products and services at all sites, from limestone mining to cement production and transportation.
Originally, cement was made purely from naturally occurring materials such as limestone, clay, and silica stone, but in recent years waste and by-products have been used as alternative raw materials. Continuous operation and planned repairs at the plant are the source of our cost competitiveness; however, many of the alternative raw materials can have a negative impact on the cement manufacturing process, so making full use of them requires a certain amount of ingenuity.
For example, utilising sewage sludge as a raw material in the cement production process can be unpleasant for operatives on site. Similarly, in response to the recent surge in coal prices, plants are striving to make full use of lower-quality coal, so the accumulation of "micro innovations" to overcome challenges such as unpleasant or difficult to handle materials becomes a specific skill. Therefore, the "motivation" of plant employees is directly related to corporate value.
Expansion of our business in overseas markets is essential for the further growth of the Taiheiyo Cement Group. To this end, it is necessary to continuously develop human resources, both technical and clerical, who can play an active role overseas. There are programs such as overseas traineeships and overseas language study programs, but nothing beats practical work experience.
We are currently building a state-of-the-art cement plant in the Philippines, and participating in this project is an extremely good learning experience. It is a valuable opportunity because we are building a plant from scratch and starting it up together with local employees. Many of our employees, especially young and "motivated" employees, are playing an active role on location.
However, overseas projects do not always progress smoothly and unforeseen things can happen frequently, so working on location is usually a battle against schedules. Experiencing such difficulties is a way for an individual's ability to grow by leaps and bounds. All of them will come back stronger and more mature.
The term "human capital" is now used frequently. We believe "capital" includes the nuance that when an individual grows, the overall "capital" of the firm will increase as a result. Growth is the accumulation of what you were not able to do yesterday that you are able to do today. The driving force behind growth is motivation. The Human Resources Department is the place where mechanisms and systems are created to sustainably generate "motivation".
Starting this year, we have decided to conduct an engagement survey of all employees to gauge their willingness to serve in the organization. Based on the survey results, each department will develop and implement an action plan to improve engagement, and the PDCA cycle will be implemented. In addition to regular job rotations, an in-house sideline system is being implemented on a trial basis with the aim of gaining experience in other departments. For example, a person from a research center can telework 20% of his/her time per week to work in overseas sales, or a person from the general affairs section of a plant can work in the human resources department at Headquarters. If they are a good match, it is possible for them to transfer directly.
We believe that individual growth based on "motivation" leads to increased corporate value.
Human resource development
In addition to company-wide measures such as training for each job level of employees, we provide individual learning opportunities that foster autonomy and self-reliance, thereby creating a corporate culture that motivates employees to grow and proactively find the pillars of their careers.
We have established the following six items as our "Human Resource Development Policy" for systematic and comprehensive human resource development so that all of our human resources can demonstrate the full extent of their individual capabilities.
Human Resource Development Policy
- Supporting "personal" growth by fostering autonomy and self-reliance among our diverse human resources.
- Developing human resources through on the job training supplemented by off-the-job training.
- Developing human resources to inherit the roles of their predecessors, playing central roles in the future in each field and at each level.
- Developing human resources to take action in constant consideration of group management.
- Developing human resources to global standards of competence.
- Developing human resources to protect the environment and to serve society through the promotion of sustainability.
In order to realize our Human Resource Development Policy, we provide training across the entire company. Regarding on-the-job training, which is the foundation of human resource development, we have clearly indicated skill maps for each area of work in which employees are engaged and utilize them in on-the-job training in the workplace. For off-the-job training, which complements on-the-job training, we provide various training programs and support for the development of individual skills.
Promotion of diversity and inclusion
The promotion of diversity and inclusion is one of the key issues for the creation of an innovative workforce, and we are making it a priority.
We are actively working with the aim of becoming a company where people with diverse values can play an active role.
We have established a basic policy regarding women's participation and advancement in workplace and are implementing initiatives. The current quantitative targets are defined in our CSR Objectives for 2025 that were established in May 2015 and have been published both internally and externally. The ratio of female employees was 9.6% at the end of March 2023 and we are continuing our efforts to achieve our target of 10% or more.
Fundamental Policies
We aim to further improve corporate value by promoting innovation based on the ideas and values of diverse human resources.
- Promote active recruitment of women to build an appropriate human resources portfolio.
- Provide equal growth opportunities and support skill development for female employees so that they can independently develop their careers.
- Aim to retain female employees by fostering an organizational culture that allows female employees to maximize their individuality and abilities and promoting work-life management.
April 2024
Yoshifumi Taura, President and Representative Director
Program to train the next generation of female leaders
In Japan, the career development of working women is prone to various uncertainties due to the influence of life events and the absence of role models. To counter this, we provide training aimed at developing the next generation of female leaders.
Number of participants in FY2023: 29
With regard to employee recruitment, we are actively recruiting not only new graduates but also experienced persons. Hiring people with diverse careers not only ensures immediate workforce strength, but also revitalizes the organization with new values. We have hired about 10 experienced workers in each of the last five fiscal years, leading to diversity in our core workforce.
In addition, "employee referral hiring" and "alumni hiring" were newly introduced to increase employment diversity.
We have been working to improve the ratio of employees with disabilities, including the establishment of three special purpose subsidiaries, and exceeded the statutory rate of employment for 16 consecutive years since FY2009.
We will continue to proactively work to increase the number of employees with disabilities while collaborating with schools and support organizations for persons with disabilities.
* Statutory employment rates: 2.2% from April1, 2018; 2.3% from March 1, 2021
Promotion of work-life management
Employee wellbeing is contributes to our sustainable growth. We are working to create a workplace where each and every employee can enjoy job satisfaction.
We have introduced various systems to realize flexible work styles and promote work-life management for our employees.
Flexible Work Arrangements
We are striving to provide flexible work arrangements for our employees by adopting various employment systems.
Various Employment Systems
- Flextime system (Core time: 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (headquarters, branches, etc.))
- Discretionary labor system
- Telecommuting system
- Inside side job system
- Outside side job system
- Shortened work hours in order to care for children up to sixth grade of elementary school (hours can be shortened by up to 3 hours/day in 10-minute increments)
- Shortened work hours in order to provide nursing care to family (hours can be shortened by up to 3 hours/day in 10-minute increments, for a total of 3 years per person requiring care)
- Exemption from overtime work in order to care for children under 3 years old
- Restriction on overtime work, exemption from late-night work, and staggered work hours in order to care for children up to sixth grade of elementary school
- Exemption and restriction on overtime work, exemption from late-night work, and staggered work hours in order to provide nursing care to family
- Half-day paid vacation
- “Special Reserved” leave (purposes of use: medical care, nursing care, physical checkups, fertility treatment, self-development, etc.)
- Child nursing/nursing care leave (ten days per year)
- Volunteer activity leave
- Personnel management systems for each course, including area-specific positions (with course change system)
- Maternity leave and childcare leave system (up to two years and one month)
- Nursing care leave system (for a total of two years per person requiring nursing care)
- Work-life management leave
- Career comeback system (reemployment system) etc.
To enable employees to balance work and childcare/nursing care, we have introduced a shortened working hour system for childcare up to the completion of the sixth grade and for nursing care up to a total of three years (per person requiring nursing care). We are working to make the system easier to utilize by, for example, allowing employees to choose to work shortened hours under the flextime system (at the headquarters, branch offices, etc.). In addition to leave for childcare and nursing care, we also provide a long-term leave system (work-life management leave) for accompanying a spouse on a new assignment, etc., to support work-life balance.
Support for side jobs both inside and outside the company
We have introduced a system that allows employees to work side jobs, both inside and outside the company. We expect this system to promote the autonomous formation of diverse careers and increase engagement by allowing employees to demonstrate their strengths and take on tasks that are in line with their interests.
Increasing Understanding of the Systems
We have an exclusive website for our employees regarding the various systems called "Kirakira Palette" in order to increase awareness of the various systems that can be utilized for work-life management. The site provides information on child and nursing care, health, self-development, and other information to support employees’ lives, which can be accessed from anywhere at anytime. We are working to enhance the content.
Respect for human rights
In order to practice business activities in which respect for human rights is regarded as the most important issue for the entire supply chain, we promote human rights awareness activities for the entire group.
We formulated our Basic Policy Concerning Human Rights and Labor Practices in April 2015 with the awareness that respecting human rights and diversity is a fundamental principle for a sustainable society, and taking into consideration the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the labor standards of the International Labor Organization.
Furthermore, we signed the United Nations Global Compact in May 2022 and are continuing to further enhance our efforts to protect human rights.
Basic Policy Concerning Human Rights and Labor Practices
- Recognizing that respecting human rights is a foundational management concern, we will strive to address human rights issues.
- We will respect diversity and will not tolerate discrimination or harassment in any form.
- Applying accepted international principles and laws and labor practices in each country, we will respect the rights of all our workers, provide them with employment free of discrimination and strive to ensure equal employment opportunities.
- We will strive for better working conditions and a workplace environment that ensures the health and safety of our employees.
- We will not tolerate child labor or forced labor under any circumstances.
The United Nations Global Compact
The United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) is the world's largest sustainability initiative, bringing together the United Nations and the private sector (businesses and organizations) to build a healthy global society.
We signed the Compact in May 2022 and endorse the ten principles related to the protection of human rights, the elimination of unfair labor practices, environmental responsibility, and the prevention of corruption, and we are taking various steps to achieve these principles.
CSR top management lectures for Group companies were held on topics related to "Business and Human Rights Responses Required of Companies". We also provided training support to Group companies, distributed human rights educational booklets, and provided information.
In FY2023, the theme of training for each job level of employees was "Recent Dowa issues and efforts to prevent harassment and how to use counseling services" and explanatory meetings on understanding the importance of harassment prevention and the procedures to use the counseling services were held at all business sites.
Training | Results |
CSR top management lecture | 126 |
Human rights training for each job level at headquarters | 291 |
Human rights training at branches, research centers and plants | 1,412 |
Number of Human Rights Week mottos submitted (employees and family members) | 1,670 |
In addition to members of the harassment counseling committees and human rights committees conducting activities to raise awareness of human rights to prevent harassment and offering consultation, the Japan Institute for Women's Empowerment & Diversity Management serves as an external consultation service, providing an environment conducive to consultation.
In FY2023, there were 14 consultations to the harassment consultation service, all of which were handled appropriately in accordance with the requests of the consulting parties.
Internal | Human rights awareness promotion committee members and harassment consultation members have been assigned at all our business sites (56 in total) |
External | Telephone and website consultations have been contracted to the Japan Institute for Women’s Empowerment & Diversity Management Harassment Hotline |
Sexual harassment | Power harassment | Other forms of harassment | Total | |
Internal | 0 | 6 | 3 | 9 |
External | 1 | 2 | 2 | 5 |
Human Rights Due Diligence
Together with our suppliers, we will deepen our commitment to respect human rights and aim for sustainable growth throughout the supply chain.
We recognize that respect for human rights not only means not being complicit in human rights abuses ourselves, but also taking responsibility for preventing and mitigating negative impacts on our suppliers. The first Human Rights Due Diligence (Human Rights DD) was initiated in 2024 to identify potential human rights risks in the Group's business activities and prevent or mitigate them by appropriate means.
The scope of the survey covered the Taiheiyo Cement Group and several representative companies from the supply chain centered on cement manufacturing, the backbone of the Group. For the issues survey, we referred to the "Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights" issued by the UN Human Rights Council, as well as several international norms and guidelines, and identified 15 themes considered to be of particular importance to the Group.
This year, based on the survey results, we will assess the current status of human rights risks and examine corrective measures and countermeasures, focusing on issues rated as having a high severity of impact.
Initiatives to Improve Engagement
Regular engagement surveys will lead to measures to motivate employees and increase their willingness to contribute to the company.
Based on the belief that understanding and empathy with the values of the Taiheiyo Cement Group, including its mission and future vision, and increasing the willingness of employees to contribute to the company will contribute to sustainable corporate growth, we are promoting the creation of a vibrant and comfortable workplace that respects human rights and diversity. In June 2023, we introduced an employee engagement survey to visualize issues related to improving employee engagement from the perspectives of whether the workplace environment and ease of work are improving, whether there are changes in awareness regarding work styles, and how we compare with other companies, and to link this to the review and implementation of various measures.
An engagement survey is one that visualizes "the willingness to contribute to the organization and the psychological state of being proactively engaged in one's work". In June of this year, we conducted engagement surveys to visualize employees' "engagement with their work" and "engagement with the organization's philosophy, culture, and environment," respectively, with the aim of aligning the direction of growth between the company and employees.
Our engagement score of 66 was at a 3-point deviation from the benchmark score of 69. The scores by evaluation item show that "provision of career opportunities" and "culture of challenge" need improvement, while "stress response," "work-life balance," and "satisfaction with salary" are expressed as our strengths. Note that the benchmark score here is the overall average score for Wevox-using companies in all industries and with company sizes ranging from 1,001 to 5,000 employees.
We will continue to conduct employee engagement surveys on a regular basis and, while checking the scores, each department will deploy a PDCA cycle to analyse organizational issues, formulate and implement action plans, and evaluate and verify the effectiveness of such plans, aiming to improve employee performance, revitalize the organization, and increase corporate value over the medium to long term.
Discussion with the Independent Directors
The Stakeholder Communication Committee, a cross-functional organization within the Company, held a "Discussion with the Independent Directors".
Promoting Health and Productivity Management (H&PM)
We have been committed to promoting H&PM since FY2019, and in September 2022, we revised our Health-Conscious Management Declaration towards further promoting H&PM. Currently, based on our Health-Conscious Management Declaration, the President and Representative Director is the chief health management officer, while the Human Rights & Labor Practices Committee, a subcommittee of the Sustainability Management Committee under the direct control of the Board of Directors, plays a central role in the company's efforts to create a rewarding workplace while striving to maintain and promote the health of permanent employees and their families, regarding our employees as our most important capital. Specifically, in each fiscal year, we promote H&PM through the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle by establishing a H&PM action plan, implementing the measures, verifying their effectiveness, and reflecting the results in measures for the next fiscal year. We will continue to maintain and improve the health of our permanent employees and their families, create a rewarding workplace, revitalize our organization, and improve productivity, while strengthening cooperation with the Taiheiyo Cement Health Insurance Association and the Taiheiyo Cement Labor Union, led by the Human Rights & Labor Practices Committee and underpinned by our Health-Conscious Management Declaration.
Taiheiyo Cement Group Health-Conscious Management Declaration
The physical and mental health of our employees and their families is a prerequisite for us to realize our mission of contributing to social infrastructure development by providing solutions that are environmentally efficient, enhancing our competitive position and bring value to our stakeholders. We hereby declare that we regard our employees as “human capital” and that we will work to maintain and improve their health and that of their families, and aim to create a rewarding workplace where employees can fully demonstrate their abilities.
April 2024
Yoshifumi Taura, President and Representative Director
Fundamental Policies
- Under the Health-Conscious Management Declaration, the Taiheiyo Cement Group, led by the Human Rights & Labor Practices Committee, will work with each business site to promote efforts to maintain and improve the health of employees and their families and to create a rewarding workplace.
- Employees will enhance their physical and mental wellbeing and improve their quality of life by actively working to maintain and improve their health and that of their families.
To enable us to effectively and efficiently promote health management, we have identified key issues to be resolved as well as key performance indicators (KPIs), and created visual representation of our flow of efforts to resolve these key issues.
H&PM Action Plan for FY2023
We formulate an annual H&PM action plan to maintain and promote the physical and mental wellbeing of each and every employee. In the FY2023 plan, we will focus on health literacy education. We will provide e-learning to all employees on the themes of "health literacy, exercise habits, dietary habits, health-related issues unique to women, sleep, smoking, and mental health (for general and managerial positions)."
Item | Content |
Health checkups |
Specific health guidance |
Health literacy education |
Measures to prevent lifestyle-related diseases |
Measures to reduce smoking rates |
Measures to prevent mental health disorders |
Various publicly declared indicators related to H&PM
Classification | Results | FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 | |||
Results | Results | Targets | Results | ||||
Indicators related to the progress of measures to invest in health |
Rate of employees receiving regular health checkups | 99.9% | 99.9% | 100.0% | Scheduled to be released in 2024 | ||
Rate of employees receiving detailed testing after regular health checkups | 64.6% | 63.6% | 90.0% | ||||
Rate of employees receiving stress checks | 97.5% | 96.4% | 100.0% | ||||
Rate of participation in walking events (*detailed in Main Initiatives) | 4.44% | 6.79% | 70.0% | ||||
Rate of employees receiving specific health guidance | 19.1% | 20.7% | 50.0% | ||||
Average rate of utilization of annual leave | 73.2% | 77.5% | 70.0% | ||||
Ratio of employees taking e-learning (*(5) Introduction to our Initiatives - Detailed information on E-learning related to health literacy) |
ー | 83.4% | 100.0% | 87.9% | |||
Of which | Health-related issues specific to women | ー | ー | 100.0% | 87.9% | ||
Mental health | ー | 83.4% | 100.0% | 89.0% | |||
Indicators related to changes in employee awareness and behavior |
Indicators related to changes in employee awareness and behavior Health checkup questionnaire *Eligibility: 40 years and over |
Smoking rate | 30.1% | 29.3% | 29.0% | Scheduled to be released in 2024 | |
Rate of alcohol consumption (occasional/daily) | 73.1% | 74.4% | 70.0% | ||||
Rate of employees who exercise (for 30 minutes or more) |
26.9% | 27.9% | 30.0% | ||||
Rate of employees who eat breakfast | 80.8% | 80.5% | 85.0% | ||||
Health examination results | Rate with a BMI of 25 or higher | 33.0% | 31.9% | 30.0% | |||
Rate of findings | Systolic blood pressure (upper) mmig | 27% | 28% | 25% or less |
Systolic blood pressure (lower) mmHg | 20% | 23% | 19% or less |
LDL cholesterol | 50% | 49% | 47% or less |
HDL cholesterol | 4% | 5% | 3% or less |
Triglycerides (TG) | 19% | 20% | 18% or less |
AST(GOT) U/L | 15% | 14% | 14% or less |
ALT(GPT) U/L | 28% | 27% | 25% or less |
Blood glucose | 42% | 42% | 38% or less |
Health-related ultimate goal indicators |
Rate of absence from work due to injury or illness (absenteeism) | Percentage of days absent from work due to mental health issues, injury or illness, etc. | 6.04‰ | 9.35‰ | 5.00‰ | Scheduled to be released in 2024 | |
Work performance due to mental and physical illness (presenteeism) |
Self-evaluation of one’s work over the past four weeks, assuming work performance when not sick or injured as 100% |
Response (average) | ー | ー | 80.0% | 78.7% | |
No. of people measured | ー | ー | ー | 2268/2583 | |||
Response rate | ー | ー | ー | 87.8% | |||
Work engagement * Measured using the Brief Job Stress Questionnaire * For the number of employees measured and response rate, refer to the stress check participation rate |
Q. I feel full of energy when I am working | ー | ー | 3.0/4 points |
2.7/4 points |
Q. I feel proud of my job | ー | ー | 3.0/4 points |
2.2/4 points |
Ratio of employees with high stress | 8.2% | 9.3% | 7.0% | Scheduled to be released in 2024 |
Indicators related to occupational health and safety
Click here for details on “Initiatives for Occupational Health and Safety”
General evaluation
Since fiscal 2022, we have been focusing on measures to prevent lifestyle-related diseases, and in particular, calls at each business site for walking events have been effective, and the participation rate has increased. Along with this, we are seeing positive results, with an increase in the ratio of regular exercisers and a decrease in the ratio of employees with a BMI of 25 or higher. As a further initiative, in fiscal 2023, we will promote Health and Productivity Management by implementing e-learning on seven themes related to health literacy in order to provide opportunities to deepen knowledge and understanding about health.
On the other hand, the secondary examination participation rate and specific health guidance implementation rate remain low, as they were last year, suggesting that there is insufficient care for employees who need measures to prevent illness or improve their lifestyle habits. From fiscal 2023, we plan to implement initiatives to encourage employees to change their health awareness and behavior by encouraging employees to undergo secondary examinations and participate in specific health guidance through the office organization.
From FY2023, we began measuring presenteeism and work engagement, which we have positioned as our final health-related target indicators along with the absence rate due to injury or illness (absenteeism) and the ratio of employees with high stress, which we have been measuring continuously. In the future, we will examine the correlation and causal relationship between these numbers and each Health and Productivity Management initiative.
(1) Introduction to our Initiatives
Measures to prevent lifestyle-related diseases
The results of Taiheiyo Cement’s own health checkups (main results) show high rates of findings in the areas of BMI, LDL cholesterol, and neutral fat, indicating a certain need to improve exercise and dietary habits, etc. In FY2022, to improve exercise and dietary habits, we plan to maintain and promote employee health by emphasizing walking events and strengthening introduction of exercises to promote eating in moderation and healthy individuals, health literacy education through e-learning programs, and so on.
(2) Introduction to our Initiatives
Walking events
Investment Amount for the Fiscal Year 2022: 340,000 yen
As part of measures to prevent lifestyle-related diseases, we hold walking events 3 times a year (using a smartphone pedometer app) to promote the firm establishment of exercise habits. Participants compete in individual and group competitions, and in addition to the top finishers, there is also the Taiheiyo Cement President's Award, for which the President randomly selects the winning criteria. We are eager to re-energize these events by presenting wonderful prizes and devising ways for everyone to enjoy them.。
(3) Introduction to our Initiatives
Eat in Moderation Day
Once a month, we have set up a "Eat in Moderation Day" for measures to encourage employees to eat in moderation. The "Eat in Moderation" movement is an exercise to prevent excessive food intake, due to concerns about the danger of eating to the point of fullness, which can increase the risk of lifestyle-related diseases such as obesity and diabetes. Specifically, the campaign is implemented throughout Taiheiyo Cement to improve dietary habits by promoting thorough chewing of foods, eating foods high in dietary fiber such as vegetables and seaweed, and enjoying single-serving portions.
(4) Introduction to our Initiatives
Measures to reduce smoking rates
As part of measures to reduce smoking rates, we are implementing measures to reduce smoking rates in order to reduce the risk of health problems caused by smoking and to prevent passive smoking. Specifically, we are implementing (1) referrals to outpatient clinics to quit smoking; (2) subsidies for outpatient treatment to quit smoking; (3) free provision of anti-smoking supplements and aids; and (4) events to promote quitting of smoking.
(Men of 40 Years And Over)
(Women of 40 Years And Over)
(5) Introduction to our Initiatives
E-learning related to health literacy
Investment amount in fiscal 2023: 3,500,000 yen
As an initiative in fiscal 2023, we conducted health literacy education via e-learning to provide opportunities to develop health literacy, which is the ability to identify, understand, and utilize accurate information regarding health and medical care. The program covered seven themes: “health literacy, exercise habits, dietary habits, health-related issues specific to women, sleep, smoking, and mental health (for general staff/managers)” and achieved a high participation rate in all subjects.
(6) Initiative
Mental health measures
As part of mental health measures, we (1) ensure our employees are aware of the mental health consultation service; (2) ensure employees are aware of stress checks and recommending that they take them (including interviews with occupational physicians for high-stress employees and workplace analyses at each workplace); and (3) providing health literacy education specifically tailored to mental health(e-learning).
Internal | Industrial physician |
External | Taiheiyo Cement Health Insurance Consultation Line (telephone and online) * Family members of employees are also eligible |
Formulating general business owner action plans
We have formulated general business owner action plans, based on the Act for Measures to Support the Development of the Next Generation ("Next Generation Act") and the Act for Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace (“Women's Participation Promotion Act”).
Formulating general business owner action plans (Next Generation Act)
The following action plan will be formulated to support the success of employees who aim to balance their work and family life.
Plan period: 3 years from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2026
Targets | Countermeasures | |
1 | Encouragement to take annual paid leave | ・We will aim to improve the ratio of annual paid leave taken by systematically granting annual paid leave and establishing days to encourage annual leave. |
2 | Encouragement of male employees to take childcare leave, etc. |
・Operation of employment continuity support portal site that systematically introduces internal systems ・Call on employees eligible for childcare leave, etc., to take it |
Formulating general business owner action plans
(Act for Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace)
In order to create an employment environment where women can continue working and play an active role, we will formulate an action plan as follows.
Plan period: 3 years, from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2026
(1) Providing opportunities for female workers regarding their working lives
Targets | Initiatives | |
1 | Increase the ratio of female recruitment in G course recruitment to 30% or more | Active recruitment of women and expansion of job ranges ・Implementation of active public relations activities for job seekers (ongoing) |
2 | Raising ratio of female employees to at least 10% | Workplace culture reform ・Conduct training to break away from the stereotypical gender roles of men and women (ongoing) |
3 | Aiming for 10% of women to be appointed to new managerial positions | Securing development and growth opportunities for female employees ・Implementation of training for career design and next-generation leader development (FY2020-FY2025) |
(2) Establishment of an employment environment conducive to balancing working life and family life
Targets | Initiatives | |
1 | Raising ratio of annual paid leave taken to at least 70% | Encouragement to take annual paid leave ・We will aim to improve the ratio of annual paid leave taken by systematically granting annual paid leave and establishing days to encourage annual leave. |
2 | Raising ratio of male employees taking childcare leave, etc., to at least 80% | Encouragement of male employees to take childcare leave, etc. ・Operation of employment continuity support portal site that systematically introduces internal systems (ongoing) ・Call on employees eligible for childcare leave, etc., to take it |